Deadlift Demons is more than just a community; it is a mentality. Starting is easy, but consistency is the real challenge. 

Our mission is to promote physical & mental well-being by forging a fitness community for people of all races, sexes, genders, and bodies. 

We want to create a platform that highlights fitness journeys & offers guidance along the way. 

DD started as a vision in 2014 when Founder Vinh Nguyen saw a need for a fitness community based in New Orleans with a focus on inclusivity and mental health. At the time, most active communities seemed more concerned with the promotion of products than the promotion community. 

To be a “Deadlift Demon” means to be unwavering and unapologetic, but having the strength to ask for help. It means to embrace one’s own demons and eventually find confidence in their image. It means to exceed expectations and achieve greatness.


Conquer your demons!

-DD Team